1С: Accounting 8

The program complex "1С: Accounting 8" is intended for automation of the organization's activities.


The system has very wide possibilities, which can be divided into the following areas of application:


  • Automation of accounting and financial management;

  • Warehouse operations accounting;

  • Payroll and personnel management;

  • Management accounting and analytics;

  • Other areas of application.


The system has a wide range of adoption options and can be used in companies in various industries:


  • Wholesale and / or retail;

  • Provision of services;

  • Production;

  • Construction;

  • Other industries.


The system allows to perform accounting management for an unlimited number of related organizations (with subdivisions) within one information base. The organization of such work significantly facilitates both the input of information: the use of a common nomenclature, contractors and other lists, and its acquisition: the possibility to compile any kind of report on a specific organization (subdivision) separately or on a consolidated basis.


The system uses a multi-window, intuitive-to-understand and ergonomic interface.


The system conditionally consists of many blocks, the common use of which leads to the centralization of all information about the company's economic activities.



Account plan

The chart of accounts is the "foundation" of the system. In addition, the system is designed to work with a free chart of accounts, i.e. the composition of accounts and the necessary analytics for each of them, the user can set up at his own discretion. Each account can have a specific: currency, numerical or balance sheet accounting. For full system operation with the created chart of accounts, you can determine the role of each account through the account accounting settings.


Warehouse accounting

The work of every company, regardless of the type of activity, uses commodity-material values (hereinafter PMV) and low-value inventory (hereinafter SME). In order to reflect the fact of accounting for an economic transaction or any other activity with PMV and SME, the system provides a certain set of documents.


The Procurement Invoice (Receipt of Goods and Services) is intended to reflect the acquisition of various values (goods, materials, SMEs, fixed assets and services). One of the features of a document is the possibility to create an arbitrary set of values and attribute each of them to the revenue or expenditure of an individual organization or subdivision within a single document.


After purchasing a PMV, you may need to move it. In addition, transfers can take place both between subdivisions and between related organizations.


As the system has a warehouse inventory, it contains a set of documents,

which is necessary to reflect the fact of inventory, entry and write-off of goods.


The document “Invoice issued” (Sales of goods and services) is used in the system to reflect the fact of sale of goods and provision of services. Among the features of the document is the possibility to divide the revenue for each item into different subdivisions.


In the sale of goods and services (as well as when they are received), automatic advance crediting of an arbitrary amount can be implemented (by default, the smallest amount of the document amount and the advance balance is offered).


Also, the possibility of drawing up return invoices should not be forgotten. In addition, both return to the supplier and return from the buyer are supported. When forming a return, it is possible to specify the delivery note, thus automatically determining the return period: in the current month or for previous periods.


One of the advantages of the system is the possible types of cost calculation: by FIFO, by LIFO and by average.


Mutual settlements with partners

All interrelationships with unrelated organizations (as well as with natural persons who are not employees of the company) in the system are managed on a contractual basis. In addition, an unlimited number of contracts with each of them are supported. This feature of the system allows to calculate the realizable and received values, taking into account different price types, to calculate bonuses and penalties for each contract separately, as well as to determine the loan amount. In addition to each contract, a list of services can be compiled for automatic invoicing (subscription services).

Bank payment orders

Non-cash payments are becoming increasingly popular. These can be settlements with suppliers, raising funds from customers or paying salaries to company staff. Taking into account the number of banking operations and their diversity, the documents “Outgoing payment order” and “Incoming payment order” were created. Both have a predefined list of possible types of transactions that characterize current transfers. The choice of the type of operation determines both the accounting accounts to be formulated and the appearance of the document. This simplifies the entry of information by displaying only the properties required for the type of operation.


In order to facilitate and speed up the entry of information on payment orders, the system provides a document selection form. The form has a wide range of settings, and document selection can be based on balances, turnover or billing document details.

In addition, the balance is calculated for the amount of the settlement document, i.e. the previous partial payment is taken into account.


The so-called “Bank statement” is provided for the control of formulated payment orders. When entering information in this mode, payment orders, at the time of their recording, do not formulate accounting accounts. Only after checking the data with the help of a bank statement, payment orders are accepted.


Due to the fact that an increasing number of users use Internet banking, the system offers processing for automatic execution of payment orders.


After the registered payment orders, there is a possibility to create the "Payment order registration log" both in abbreviated form and in detail.

Cash operations

No matter how convenient it is to use non-cash payments, the organization always has cash operations. In order to reflect this type of activity, the system provides the documents “Cash Receipt Order” and “Cash Expense Order”. Similarly to bank payment orders, cash orders also contain a list of types of operations that describe the transaction to be performed. The choice of operation type helps the system to set the appearance of the form for easier information input and design the necessary movements.


In the case of mutual settlement with a counterparty for certain settlement documents, the same document selection / selection form can be used as in payment orders. The use of such common tools helps users to learn the system faster and make the most of its vast possibilities.


Following the results of operations with cash orders, a “Cash Document Registration Journal” and a “Cash Book” are created in the system.

Fixed assets and intangible assets

Buildings, cars, hardware, software, licenses - without it, no company can work. The system offers a collection of documents to reflect all possible operations with fixed assets (hereinafter PL) and intangible assets.


After the acquisition of PL, if it will be used in the operation of the company, acceptance records are created. When creating it, the materially responsible person, the location of the accounting object (according to the company's subdivisions) and other parameters that are necessary for automatic depreciation calculation and report generation are indicated. When accepted for inventory of fixed assets, it can be put into operation immediately or later.


During the operation process, various events can take place with the accounting objects, for example, movement between subunits and materially responsible persons, modernization, change or write-off of PL value in case of expiration date, damage or any other reason.


The asset may be sold to another unrelated entity. In this case, the document "PL / NI sale" is used with the possibility to create a standard bill of lading.

At the moment of creating the PL implementation document, these objects are automatically removed from the inventory, if necessary, depreciation for the current month is added to them and other necessary activities are implemented.


In addition to the above operations, it is possible to add the possibility to change the status of the accounting object (interruption of depreciation calculation), adjust the service life, change the depreciation percentage (when using the geometric-degressive depreciation calculation method), etc.


The system offers a certain set of relevant reports on fixed assets. Below is a list of some of them:


  • PL card;

  • PL depreciation register - calculation;

  • Register of information about PL objects;

  • PL inventory;

  • Other reports.

The appendix to the financial accounting includes a report on PL tax depreciation in the standard functional of the system. A common and detailed card is created for each category separately.


Everyone from the company, in the interests of the organization, has the right to purchase goods for internal use, pay suppliers, or purchase an SME. The document "Advance payment" is provided in the system to reflect such events. The peculiarities of the document include the possibility to automatically post the purchased goods within one document, the debt to the supplier is automatically canceled, expenses are allocated to certain subdivisions, etc.

Road signs

The delivery of the standard system includes the registration of road signs. When using road signs, automatic fuel write-off is implemented, and there is a choice of write-off type: according to FIFO, according to the average or according to the catalog “Fuel brand” prices.


Also, the calculation of the employee's working time with the indication of the time type (working time, overtime, etc.) is implemented and the output of this data in the salary calculation module.

If during the transportation of the goods the goods were moved between the company's warehouses, then, in addition to the above, a list of nomenclature items to be moved can be instructed to register the movement as in the usual document "Movement".

Other chances

Other system options not described in the above blocks include currency conversion, netting act, automatic write-off of deferred expenses, revaluation of foreign exchange funds, closure of current accounts, write-off of strict accounting receipts, SME or NI write-off, retail report and many more options. The usual accounting statement with the possibility to carry out an unlimited number of standard operations, in which a set of correspondence is identified in support of its correctness check, is not forgotten.


The results, based on the information entered in the system and, accordingly, the analysis of the company's financial situation, can be obtained through a wide range of reports. The reports can be conditionally divided into standard accounting reports, regulated reports and supplementary reports.

Standard reports

Standard reports are subject to a reporting block that generates movement, balance, and turnover for the account or set of accounts. The whole report block is an interconnected subsystem, with the possibility to detail the data of one report with the help of another report up to the document that designed the specific movement.


Data analysis is performed with a simple double-click on the digit of interest. This way you can see the information detail chain: turnover report -> turnover report by account -> account card -> document.


This feature of the system is especially useful for identifying and localizing user errors or compiling a list of account turnover sources.

Below is a list of standard reports:

  • Turnover report;

  • Apgrozījuma pārskats pēc konta;

  • Konta apgrozījuma pārskats pēc partneriem;

  • Konta analīze;

  • Konta kartīte;

  • Konta apgrozījumi;

  • Apkopoti kontējumi;

  • Atskaite par iegrāmatojumiem;

  • Citas atskaites.


It is also worth noting the wide range of settings for each standard report. Between the settings, the user can set different types of selection, the level of data detail, as well as the time period limitation.

SRS reports

Regulated reports include those reports that need to be submitted to the State Revenue Service or those reports whose forms are regulated by national legislation.

The system offers the following regulated reports:

  • Balance;

  • Profit or loss statement;

  • VAT return;

  • VAT annexes (1 and 2);

  • Cash transactions;




Virtually every report has personal settings. In addition, an unlimited number of settings are supported, which may be of particular interest in relation to the "Balance Sheet" and the "Profit and Loss Account", which can be formulated for each organization and department separately.

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